Sunday, June 12, 2016

Unaweza tumia viashiria ivi kujua hili

Sio kazi ngumu sana kuelewa mwanamke anaekupenda kiukweli. Mwanamke anaekupenda kweli hawezi kukuomba wewe kitu chochote bali atachohitaji kutoka kwako sana sana ni muda wako na 'attention' yako kwake.
Hayo mengine kuhusu pesa, outing, shopping na mengineyo unatakiwa kujiongeza wewe kama mwanaume na sio kubweteka na kupendwa, kwa sababu mwanamke wako anahitaji matunzo vilevile.
Anachohitaji mwanamke ni wewe tu na muda wako. Wanawake wameumbwa na moyo 'strong' lakini katika suala la mapenzi na hisia wako 'sensitive' sana. Wanahitaji kupendwa na wanahitaji kuona akijaliwa.
Mwanamke akikupenda kweli kutoka moyoni mwake atahitaji awe na wewe muda mwingi, atakutext mara kwa mara, atakupigia simu every time when she feels she wants to talk to you.
Atakuwa kama mtoto mdogo anayehitaji kupendwa, kukumbatiwa, kubebwa na kutizamwa kwa umakini.
Mpende sana mwanamke wa aina hiyo, muda mwingine aweza kuwa anakufuatilia sana mpaka unajiuliza nina 'date' na shushushu ama nini? Ila unapaswa kutambua kuwa anakupenda kwa dhati na anataka ajihakikishie kuwa yupo peke yake kwako.
Ukipata mwanamke wa aina hiyo tulia, usimuumize wachana na mitambo mingine, utazunguka bucha zote lakini nyama ni ile ile sana sana utamaliza nauli yako na nguvu zako za kuzunguka kila bucha.

Scientists research about this great effects to human being

Research scientists which uses data from satellites and ground tests revealed that more than 80% of the world's population are living under the sky popullated and brightness.
Said the pollution caused by artificial light traffic, home and traffic lights.
Singapore, Kuwait and Qatar are witnessing greater brightness at night, while the Central African Republic, Chad and Madagascar being the lesser light.
The study was published in the journal Advances journal Science, warns that a lack of sufficient darkness at night will increase cases of sleep disorders in humans.

WCB yatoa mwongozo wa adhabu wanazotoa kama msanii wao akifanya makosa

Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari hivi karibuni, mmoja kati ya viongozi wa juu wa label hiyo, Babu Tale amesema wao kama uongozi watasimama kidete kuhakikisha wasanii wa WCB wanakuwa mfano wa kuigwa kwa jamii.
“Nikijibu hapo kwenye eneo la nidhamu ni kwamba, sisi ni vijana ambao tunaishi na vinaja ambao wametoka kwenye familia zao ambazo zinamalezi tofauti tofauti, lakini wakija hapa ni lazima wafuate sheria zetu. Sitaki kumsifia Dioamond ni mtu ambaye hana nidhamu ya kuigiza, kwa hiyo hawa wengine lazima wafuate tabia za kaka yao,” alisema Babu Tale.
Aliongeza, “Kwetu msanii akitukana kwenye social network , akitukana kwenye stage huyo lazima sisi tumuadhibu. Kuna adhabu ambayo inasukumwa na social network hiyo hatuizingatii kwa sababu kila mmoja ana mapenzi yake na wengine wanachuki zao. Adhabu ambayo tatizo linaonekana wazi kwamba hili ni tatizo, tunayaita matendo kusudi, kiofisi huwenda mtu akasimamishwa bila jamii kujua, kukata pesa kwenye kazi zake bila jamii kujua, hayo mambo tunafanyia hata sisi viongozi pale tunapokosea,”

Ufafanuzi kuhusiana na makato ya pesa kuanzia tarehe 1 jully kweny simu na mabenki kwenda TRA

Watu wengi wamestuka sana kusikia kuwa kuanzia tarehe 01 Julai 2016, kila utakapotoa fedha kwenye ATM au huduma za fedha kwa mitandao ya simu, TRA itachukua asilimia 10 ya pesa hizo.

Ukweli ni kuwa kodi hiyo ya 10% kwenye muamala wa simu au kutoa pesa kwenye ATM itakatwa kwenye gharama ya kutolea au kutumia na wala siyo kwenye pesa zako.

Mwanamtandao Gabriel Mwang'onda amefafanua kuwa 'kwa mfano ukitoa sh milioni moja gharama ya kutolea ni sh 7500,  basi serikali wanakata 10% kutoka katika hiyo sh 7500 (sh 750) na siyo kwenye sh milioni moja'.

Unajua alicho kizungumza diamond platnumz kuhusiana na suala la plate number

Msanii Diamond amesema licha ya kuweka gari yake namba maalumu (Private) imemfanya asisikie raha kutembea nayo, kwasababu kila mtu anajua kapita na hawezi kujiiba. Anashukuru hatadiriki tena kuiweka baada y Waziri wa Fedha kupendekeza bei mpya kwenye bajeti ya shilingi millioni 10 (kutoka shilingi milioni 5).

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Meditation to Enlightenment ,Whatever religious belief you may hold, the essence of your religion, if it was a true spiritual teaching, you will find here.

In the most ancient civilisations of the world one finds great truths discovered by sages through meditation. Religions talk freely of what their Prophets discovered but cannot offer anything to anyone. Before proceeding any further, it is important to understand two things: 1) what is meditation? and 2) what is meditation for?
There is a very old statement which says that “meditation starts when thought stops” and there can be many different forms of meditation. But the subject of meditation I am talking about has nothing to do with any religion, any form of religion or any denomination of religion. It’s about expanding a persons awareness, increasing their identity, their sense of self, and ultimately, it is expanded to infinity or Enlightenment, which is what lies behind everything and makes the universe possible. Now, that can sound very big, and to some people out there, it might even sound scary. But the reason a man lives a life of fear and anxiety, in fact, it can be said that a man is frightened to live and scared to die, it’s because living down here, he is as far away from the Caunipse of infinite love as he can actually get. So, as we get closer and closer to the source of everything, the energy and bliss and the love we experience gets greater and greater and greater.
For thousands of years mankind has been baffled by the question as to what is the purpose of human life, why am I born? Where have I come from? And where will I go when I die? Such questions remain un-answered, questions such as what does spirituality really involve, and is it possible to answer this for ourselves? The answer is yes. We are neither here by chance nor by accident, but there is a definite purpose to our life on this physical plane.
The very reason for the purpose of this life is to discover for ourselves the inseparability of man from God through the Grace of an Enlightened Teacher.
Sankara, the 8th century Philosopher, in Vivekachudmani (The Crest Jewel Of Discrimination) states:
“There are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God – namely a human birth, the longing for liberation, and the care of a perfecting sage.”
We already have a human birth and there are some people who are longing for Liberation (Moksha) but are searching for the perfect sage. But how do we find a perfect sage, and who exactly is this person ? Before moving on to the answer to this question, let us be clear by what we mean by the term spirituality.
Spirituality is about the ability to live a normal life and achieve the purpose of that life. Fundamentally, Spirituality is the expansion of conscious awareness.
A perfect sage is the term given to someone who is a true Guru, Gu=darkness, Ru=light, as the Upanishads from the East have declared and it applies to that special person who dispels our inner darkness. Sometimes, the term Perfect Master is also used, which means someone who has perfected the art of giving Enlightenment (Jivanmukti) in one life time.

Trump won’t win. In fact, the US could be on the brink of a liberal renaissance Michael Cohen With voters set to reject their nominee, Republicans could lose control of Congress, ushering in a progressive era

For much of the past year,
Donald Trump had lived something of a charmed political life.
Sure, he scapegoated Mexican immigrants and Muslims (not some, but all). He lobbed crude insults at a female journalist and one with a disability. He attacked his opponents with monikers such as “Lyin’ Ted” and “Little Marco”, mocked Jeb Bush for being “low energy” and compared Ben Carson to a child molester. He even went after previous Republican presidential nominees, including 2008 nominee John McCain, who he said was no war hero because the North Vietnamese captured him. And he demonstrated, repeatedly, that he was immensely unqualified for the job of president of United States.
Yet none of it seemed to matter to Republican voters. Trump’s poll numbers steadily increased, his primary and caucus victories steadily piled up and one Republican opponent after another fell by the wayside, unable to stop him. Even recent polls showed him neck and neck with the Democratic nominee,
Hillary Clinton .
But last week, when Trump launched a vicious and nakedly
racist attack against Gonzalo Curiel, the judge in his Trump University fraud case, the halo around Trump began to crack – and it offered a useful reminder as to why Trump has practically no chance of winning the presidency. Quite simply, the Republican electorate looks nothing like the rest of the American electorate.
Trump has systematically alienated the demographic groups that he will need to win the White House
Trump’s broadsides against Judge Curiel certainly crossed a line. The presumptive GOP nominee suggested that the judge’s “bad decisions” against him were not the result of Curiel’s interpretation of the law, but rather because, as Trump put it, he’s a “Mexican” (Curiel was born in Indiana). Since Trump has a harsh view of illegal immigration from Mexico, Trump alleged that Curiel’s ethnic heritage made it impossible for him to offer unbiased judgments on Trump’s case. This is, as even
Republicans have pointed out, the textbook definition of racism.
Trump also intimated that Curiel should be investigated and that if he wins the White House he might even retaliate against the judge directly. That he is openly attacking the federal judiciary, as he runs for an office with the responsibility of appointing federal judges, represents a fundamental disrespect for the rule of the law and raises legitimate issues as to whether Trump, as president, would enforce court orders with which he disagrees.
Still, it’s hard to see how Trump’s comments about Curiel were any worse than his earlier comments about Mexican criminals or his proposed Muslim ban. They practically pale next to his sinister pledge to
investigate Amazon, because its CEO also owns the Washington Post and Trump has been unhappy with some of that paper’s coverage of him. In the American constitutional system, this would be an impeachable offence.
What has changed is that Trump has shifted his attacks from foreign targets to actual American citizens, making it harder for even Republicans to defend them. Moreover, the context in which they were delivered was completely different. During the Republican primaries, GOP voters were not much concerned about Trump’s xenophobic and bigoted attacks. All of his fellow presidential aspirants were calling for Syrian Muslims to be banned from entering the US, regularly railed against illegal immigration and more than a few implicitly called for the US to commit war crimes in its fight against the Islamic State. Trump just went a step further and there’s significant evidence that they helped him among the Republican rank and file.
But today, Trump is not battling for support among Republican voters – he’s trying to win over Democrats and independents. Rather than facing opponents who were largely unbothered by Trump’s bigotry, he’s now in a fight against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party. They have a very different view on these matters.
This, in a nutshell, is Trump’s problem: to win the Republican nomination he needed to take extreme positions on a host of issues. He needed to demonise illegal immigration. That strategy doesn’t work among non-Republican voters. Indeed, for all the concerns raised by liberals about the possibility that Trump could win, less attention has been paid to the fact that Trump is a uniquely unpopular figure – strongly disliked by Democrats, independents and even many Republicans.
The reason has much to do with demographics: Trump has systematically alienated the demographic groups that he will need to win the White House. Four years ago, when Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney in the presidential election, he won by 5 million votes. Starting from that baseline, Trump needs to win back at least 2.5 million votes just to break even in the popular vote. But to do so he would need to improve on Romney’s dismal 27% support among Hispanic voters. That will be hard for Trump, considering that, according to some polls, he’s viewed unfavourably by more than 80% of Hispanics.
This year, an estimated 30% of the US electorate will be non-white. Trump will likely do worse than Romney and win a small fraction of those votes. Then there are his problems with women voters. In 2012, Obama won them by 11 points over Romney. Recent polls show Clinton winning this group by more than 20 points. Of course, while there are no guarantees that these numbers hold up, if just so long as Clinton does as well as Obama did four years ago, she will be very difficult to beat. Right now, she’s outperforming him.
There is also the Democrats’ advantage in the electoral college, the fact that Trump doesn’t have much campaign money and virtually no campaign infrastructure and the fact that many Republicans are trying to distance themselves from him. Indeed, it’s so hard to see how Trump can win that the real issue for 2016 may not be the White House, but rather Congress, which Republicans currently control and, in the case of an electoral bloodbath for the GOP, could potentially lose. If that were to happen, Hillary Clinton would have a Democratic Congress and the opportunity to push through dozens of pieces of progressive legislation.
Ironically, Trump’s rise, rather than signalling a turn toward nativist, authoritarian politics in the US, could, in the electorate’s rejection of him, usher in a more progressive political era.
Michael A Cohen is author of Live From the Campaign Trail: The Greatest Presidential Campaign Speeches of the 20th Century and How They Shaped Modern America